[WT-support] Problem with wtDxTelnet V2.0

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Nov 2 23:04:10 CET 2006

Hi Dave

Olivier F5MZN a écrit :

> - Did you try to enter commands in wtDxtelnet itself?
> - Did you try to enter commands in WT from the 160 multiplier station 
> (same computer wtDxTelnet was running on)?
> - Was the QSO and GAB received by WT on the 160m multiplier station when 
> wtDxTelnet was in default?

- Does the "internal" WinXP firewall engaged on the 160m PC ?

- Any other third-party FW enabled ?

- Have you tried other DX-cluster, different of N3RA ?

- I guess you set static IP addresses for every machine ? What class is 
your network and what subnet mask and broadcast address are you using ? 
Check all data are consistent across the network and for both apps (WT 
and wtDxTelnet).


Larry - F6FVY

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