[WT-support] Observations

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Mar 30 13:23:15 CEST 2006

Hi John

G4IRN a écrit :

> 1. It would be useful if dupe callsigns are highlighted in the log when 
> they are entered (maybe a warning message, or change of colour??). I 
> realise that the callsign in the partial-check window turns red however 
> an indication on the logging line would be useful. This would also be 
> useful for when browsing through the log afterwards.

There is a warning message below the log lines (assuming you're using 
the space key *or* the "Tools / Data entry / Exchange guessing / 
Automatically" option) when you enter a dupe callsign (dupe meaning same 
band *and* same mode in the case of a DXPed log).

For now, we don't use different colors in the log lines to ease reading, 
but we might think abt it later, even not only for dupes.

> 2. I'm not sure how to determine the QSO totals net of dupes. Is there a 
> method?

You can try to use the appropriate Ctrl-F9 graphics and use the "Copy as 
text" function.

> 3. I use the Ins key to send  '$F5 $F2' and the + key to send '$CORRECT 
> TU $CR'. If I enter a callsign, press Ins, then backtrack down the 
> callsign to enter the first letter (which I missed on the copy but sense 
> from the partial check) WHILST THE Ins MESSAGE IS BEING SENT, the 
> $CORRECT macro does not send the corrected callsign. The problem does 
> not occur if the first letter of the call is entered AFTER the message 
> has finished.

In fact, the "reference" callsign for the $CORRECT function is the field 
content just after the last character was sent. This means that if you 
correct / delete / add characters in the field which have been already 
sent, these corrections will not been considered for the $CORRECT 
function. Noted.

Thanks for your report.


Larry - F6FVY

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