[WT-support] Feature request/suggestion: "auto-spot" in SSB while working S&P

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Sat Nov 6 13:34:39 CET 2021

Hi Lenz

Le 05/11/2021 à 22:18, Lorenz Grassl a écrit :

> *My feature-request/suggestion (let´s call it "auto-spot" for now) is:*
> - when turned on in S&P-mode (it should NEVER work in run-mode) WT sends 
> a spot for each logged SSB-QSO automatically in the background as an 
> equivalent to the hit on "Alt-F3"
> - it just works in ssb
> - it doesn´t work in other modes than SSB. There usually are much CW and 
> RTTY-skimmers available in contests
> - "auto-spot" is always turned OFF by default and has to be switched on 
> deliberately by the contester.
> - turning on the feature is NOT super-simple and not easy to see in the 
> program or menu. Maybe "auto-spot" can only be activated by a new 
> textcommand like "AUTOSPOTON"? This should avoid an accidently switched 
> on "auto-spot"- feature because: if maybe somebody does "run" while WT 
> works in S&P-mode or the user doesn´t take much care about computers and 
> settings.
> - on the other hand: "auto-spot" IS easy to find and easy to switch 
> on/off but it turns off if the user hits "CQ" (aka F1)

I personally don't do much Phone contests, but this seems like a good 
suggestion, assuming of course it only works in the S&P mode.

Just to be clear, when you're talking about the "S&P mode", you mean it 
was set by the Ctrl-Tab action, right ?

I think that using a text-command *only* is not desirable. There must be 
some sort of "indicator" to know if it's enabled or not, and a checkmark 
in the appropriate menu item line does this job.

Also, I'm wondering if a small message (ex "FY5KE spotted") in the 
status line (under the log) would be useful as well. It would be a 
reminder that the feature is enabled, and inform the user on the sent spots.

Finally, if a F1 hit disables the feature (assuming you're in S&P mode), 
what action would re-enables it ?


Larry - F6FVY


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Blaise Pascal, Pensées

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