[WT-support] WT 4.02 and radio interface problem

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Oct 27 18:54:13 CET 2009

First, I assume you were using Win-Test 4.2.0 (there is no version "4.02").

Yes, some people have reported problems with Win-Test not obtaining a
radio's frequency properly, even though setting a frequency works OK.  In
the specific case I know of, the user was using an IC-746Pro with a
combination of USB-to-Serial and Serial to CI-V cables to the radio.  This
combination simply did not work (and DTR=Always On was required to make
anything work, because it supplied power to the CI-V cable).

What hardware interface are you using between your PC and your radios?
microHAM?  USB-to-Serial converters?  What brand?  What is the version of
the device driver and/or Router program?  What version of Windows are you

What COM port settings are you using for both radios (baud rate, stop
bits)?  What do you use for DTR and RTS?

I guess it's possible that Win-Test 4 has a timing issue or memory leak, and
under certain circumstances, it will stop reading frequency data from the
radios.  But it's also possible that this is a device driver issue and
there's nothing the Win-Test developers can do about it.  Can you replicate
the problem using Win-Test 3.27.1 or earlier with the same hardware?

Bob, N6TV

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 4:45 AM, Pablo - EA4TX <ea4tx at ea4tx.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> During this last CQ WW we have used WT V4.02 in our EE2W M/M station.
> On two computers, we have noticed several times during the contest, that WT
> detected an incorrect frecuency readout from the radio. One computer was
> connected to a K3 and the other one to a FT1000MP. To solve it, it was so
> easy as go into the "Configure Interface" menu, and later press OK.
> Inmediately, it began to work again.... During a time...
> The operator of that FT1000MP detected during that failure, that when he
> pressed to the Band Map for a QSY to the Spotted announcement, it worked so
> it seems that the WT had a RX problem from the CAT, but the TX to the
> transceiver was working Ok.
> Does anyone detected a similar problem?
> 73's Pablo - EA4TX
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