[WT-support] SO2R on 2 networked computers

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Wed Jan 28 18:28:57 CET 2009

By the way, the full solution on the external keying mux for 
us included the addition of two operator buttons. One button 
either holds the CW to prevent sending if held down or 
resets it to the memory start when pushed and released, the 
other button cancels.

This way if the station waiting for a reply starts sending 
again the message can be held and released or restarted, or 
if the contact is lost it can simply be canceled.

This is much easier to do in the software than externally, 
but it works well externally after all the work!! The 
problem is it only works the way we built it for CW and 
cannot store and hold SSB messages.

What does not work so well is the external lockout.

73 Tom

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