[WT-support] RDA Contest score calculation

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Aug 19 12:14:33 CEST 2008


Following the different reports from G3TXF, OR2A and UA1ACC, and after 
confirmation from the RDA contest organization, I modified the code to :

- Accept R1FJ and R1MV as russians stations and accept their district 
- For Russian stations, the DXCC countries are now counted per band

I'm still waiting a confirmation if Russian "countries" (UA, UA2, UA9, 
R1FJ and R1MV) must be counted as DXCC mults or not for Russian stations 
(not clearly mentioned in the rules).

In the meantime, you can dl and use the latest nightly build which 
includes the above modifications :


HOW-TO use a nightly build :


I also updated the RDA list :



Larry - F6FVY

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