[WT-support] WT 3.13.0 ARRL FD Sections

Paul Cassel paul at ve3sy.com
Wed Jul 25 14:05:40 CEST 2007

WT 3.13.0 still does not recognize the ARRL Sections used for the NA Field

While the ARRL Field Day is not a real main stream contest, it is still a
major part of introducing many new hams to Contesting.  The logging software
that is used during this first experience needs to be a positive one.
During the VE3GMA FD, the ARRL section issue did not provide a positive
experience for first time WT users.

I have raised the issue here twice before and have heard nothing from the
Author's.   The fix must be a simple one as the ARRL Sweepstake contest
properly recognizes the ARRL sections.

Thank you

Paul VE3SY
for the VE3GMA FD team operating 9A

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