[WT-support] SO2R and CW features

Olivier F5MZN olecam at f5mzn.org
Tue Nov 15 08:26:57 CET 2005

Hello Toni,

> I was using Win-Test at CU2A in CQWW SSB (SB20) 
> and all worked just fine. Many thank's guys! 
> Now well see what will happend with SO2R setup 
> in CQWW. I'll be SOAB HP at CU2A
> So, the CQWW CW is almost to beging, I'd like to ask for
> 2nd radio feature so that if I type some callsing to
> 2nd radio window, it would update the chk mult window
> also. Now only callsigns typed to main logging window
> will update the chk mult window. I know that red text
> in 2nd radio window will show me is it a new mult or
> not, but I think that in long run nobody will notice
> such a text anymore...

This is already done in our devel version which will be available soon.

> And about the CW speed messing up, I think it's because
> of +++ and --- commands in cw messages. So I'd suggest
> that in esc key (and to any other key that will abort
> the message) would include "reset" function. I don't
> know what will happend if one set $reset command in the
> beginning of every message. Maybe Olivier & co will let
> us know?? So would it be possible to avoid messing up
> cw speed with starting every cw message with $reset command?

When you're using the scenarios in a SO2R configuration, you can always 
switch to a manual mode for the headphones as soon as you use the 
keyboard to change the headphone configuration. $RESET in a scenario is 
used to tell the software to RESET any manual control and switch back to 
the automatic mode.

Thanks for pointing out the ESC problem with CW. I'll check.

Olivier / f5mzn

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