[WT-support] WAV Files as Audio Keyer

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Jul 18 22:22:05 CEST 2005

Hello Stewart !

Stewart Cooper GM4AFF a écrit :

> Apologies if this has been dealt with before - I did a search on WAV and
> audio in WT Support and found nothing.
> I would like to set up WAV files (CQ, reports, etc) so that I can send an
> 'audio CQ' using F1, reports using F2, etc., as in CW as with...

You just have to tick the box in the lower right part of the Interface 
setup dlg ("Enable voice keyer" or smth like that - I don't have a 
started WT at that time).

Afterwards, check your log is in SSB mode (!), and use the Shift-Fx keys 
to record the messages, and Fx to play them back.

It is that simple.


Larry - F6FVY

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