[WT-support] Dx-pedition mode. question?

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Sep 17 11:55:51 CEST 2004

Hi John

John Coleman a écrit :
> Just having a play with the DXpedition set up for my VI6175WA operation next
> month, I noticed the following, if you open the check multipliers window the
> window opens but is very narrow on the screen.

In DXPed mode, window width depends on the number of modes in the 
choosen mode category.

If you set a mono-mode 'category' (CW, SSB, RTTY) etc... in the contest 
parameters dialog, you will get a one-column width for F10. In mixed (= 
CW + SSB) you'll get a 2 column width etc...

The usual way is to set the 'all modes' category (even if you dont use 
them all) : You will then get a full width window.

BTW, with the 'all modes' category you can log in CW, SSB, RTTY, PKT, 
PSK, HELL. Reminder : WT isn't a sophisticated logging software - But it 
works ;-) 5V7C used it (with 12000+ QSO logs). You can even use it 
within in network.

> Why would you need
> multipliers in DXpedition mode I hear you say.  Because this window has some
> very valuable info like Country, Bearings short and long path etc SS SR
> times etc. Its a very useful window even on DXpedition if you find an
> obscure call it fills out all the info for you . I don't think there is a
> way for the user to resize this window. I think it should be normal size for
> the above reasons.

In fact, as you pointed it out, there is no 'multiplier' for a DXPed 
log. This window only shows on which bands and modes you worked the 
current station (worked modes are displayed in F10). And the usual infos 
you're asking for, on the worked country : Name, Heading short path, 
long path, SR, SS, local time etc...

Best of luck in your VI6175WA operation.


Larry - F6FVY

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