[WT-support] SSB Messages and Keying

John Coleman vk6nu at arach.net.au
Sat Sep 11 06:41:12 CEST 2004

Hi all

Need a little help with SSB Messages and keying the rig. I have tried recording messages with Audacity but they play very slow as someone said in an earlier post. If I record through WT with Shift F1 they record ok, but I got caught out as it stores the message a msg0.wav and not msg1.way as I expected for the F1 key. I found that out when I looked in the WT  directory after recording.

2nd Question.
How do I PTT the rig when using the voice keyer via sound card. I enabled the DVK and tried using my normal RTTY/PSK serial cable that works with all my other programs but no go. I tried setting up Com 1 to TNC -Network etc but could get it to key but not release. Has anyone got a fix for this or what do I need to do.  When I manually key the rig it transmits the message ok.

My rig is on Com 4 and that all works fine.

Thanks in advance, love the program just sorting out my set up.

73 John VK6NU 
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