[wt4hq] Logsync issues; plan for this year?

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Wed May 11 00:19:14 CEST 2016

Hi Mario

Le 08/05/2016 à 20:53, Mario Lorenz a écrit :

> So I would like to ask if
> - you have any definite plans on how/when to fix this issue?
> - you need help (anything; just ask...)

The log sync has been totally rewritten, and is used from version 4.19.0 
(mid-october 2015).

I did several tests by running 20 Win-Test, split in 10 LANs and it 
worked flawlessly, despite numerous simulated lost connections etc. I 
also know that, among others, FT4JA was running 7 PC to reach their 105k 
QSO, and they told me all was in sync. Despite I wasn't there to check, 
I have to believe them ;-)

I also worked a bit on the wtTunnel (client) software, to allow a better 
network monitoring. I will release shortly a newer version.

The HQ version will probably be released in June. It will be based on 
the current available "official" version at that time.

This is the best reply I can do for now.

> Specific question: I wonder if you have any reports at all that somebody
> still uses the serial ports for networking (COM), in particular whether
> this has been tested recently, and if there are any topology constraints
> (loop vs. star vs. mesh) exist. I have a strong suspicion that Windows,
> the firewall, or the network, does not cope too well with the
> "broadcast-storm" style Win-Test traffic and several important packets
> may get lost. So I am toying with the idea of setting up some
> Win-Test nodes to network via COM ports, which would actually be virtual
> com ports with a TCP (and hence reliable, flow-controlled) connection?

It's been decades (well, one, at least) I haven't used COM ports 
networking :-(


Larry - F6FVY

Remember Jan. 7 2015 - #JeSuisCharlie
Remember Nov. 13 2015 - #JeSuisParis

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