<div style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#000">setup wintest + windows 10 -> FT5K + SCU17 <br>
Try to setup com ports to play audio messages and CW memories into multimode contest. (ARRL 10M next weekend) <br>
virtual com port for FT5K = com7<br>
virtuals com ports SCU-17 = 4 and 5<br>
when set correct DTR and RTS into com7 to play CW messages (it work) but lost audio playback when switch SSB<br>
when back to handshake position into COM7 DTR RTS audio playback work again by SCU-17 with some COM4 and 5 settings but... lost CW messages (of course)<br>
win-test able to work cat commands as {CAT1ASC PB0#;} to play memories with <strong><tt>Shift-F#</tt></strong><br>
what i'm wrong ?<br>
Any experiencies are welcome<br>
<font size="2">Gilles </font><font size="2">Desansac</font><font size="2"> F6IRA</font>
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