[WT-support] Rotator questions

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Jan 24 23:14:07 CET 2013

Thanks for posting the screen shots; these are always very helpful.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Peter <pc2a at pi4cc.nl> wrote:

> Perhaps I have something configured wrong or I hit a bug.

I think you have configured everything OK.

> First question:
> 1 have 2 rotators on 10M name 10M-1 and 10M-2
> When clicked on 1 of those rotators the beam will turn But when pressing
> CTRL+F12 both rotators will turn to the gives bearing. Is there a way to
> control 1 rotator while there are 2 rotators for the given band?

I do not think there is any way to do this, unfortunately.  How would you
like it to work?  It would require an interface design change, maybe a new
checkbox in the Rotators window to indicate which rotators Ctrl+F12 is
eligible to affect.

In the mean time, you have to use manual turning (by clicking on arrows)
when you only want to turn *one* of the two antennas, and then only use
Ctrl+F12 when you want to move both antennas to the same heading.   Another
alternative is to go to Options | Win-Test Network Properties and check the
box there: "Disable Communication with Win-Test," for *one* 10m rotator
only, then use the small green and black control displayed by wtRotators to
move that rotator (manually), and Ctrl+F12 to move the other one

> Second question:
> On 20M I see only the antennas for 20M. But when I switched to 15, 15M
> antennas are pop up, but 20M antennas is still in the window. Same for 10M
> 20M is there there, 15M is gone and 10M is visible. Even going to 40-80 or
> 160 20M will be viable. Is this a bug?

If you can't right click and adjust any of the Display options, then this
may be a bug.  It seems to start by displaying the current band, but it
never drops rotators from the display when you move to a different band.
I think it is nice, however, to be able to display and (manually) move a
rotator that's on a different band, so that you can prepare to work a
spotted multiplier by moving the rotator before you change bands.

It seems that the current Rotators interface of Win-Test is clearly
optimized for single-op, not multi-multi.

Bob, N6TV
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