[WT-support] CW Speed with Winkey

Rudolf Schwenger Rudolf.Schwenger at t-online.de
Wed Oct 19 09:47:44 CEST 2011

Hi Bob,

in my case it's different. I can vary the speed by means of pressing ALT+F9 respectively ALT+F10 between 12 wpm and 60 wpm. And that's by programme default. 

I am using version 4.7. Maybe it's different with 4.8?

vy 73 de Rudolf, DJ3WE

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bob Wilson, N6TV 
  To: support at win-test.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 11:51 PM
  Subject: Re: [WT-support] CW Speed with Winkey

  Win-Test always sets the minimum speed of the WinKey pot to 20 WPM, and the maximum to 60 WPM.  There is no way to override or change this with the microHAM router program or other utility as far as a I know.  

  Maybe you can use a second paddle and the internal keyer / memories of your radio for low-speed CW sending by hand.

  Another option is to use COM port or LPT port ON/OFF CW keying via the Win-Test internal keyer, abandoning your WinKey.

  Bob, N6TV

  On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:53 AM, <dm9kt at jupiter97.de> wrote:


    in the last contest i want to slow down my CW Speed. But there was no way to set the speed under 20 WPM.
    Please help me to find my failure. It is important for me, because some stations canĀ“t hear fast CW.

    P.s. Sorry for my bad english.

    73 de Tino, DM9KT

    tino at dm9kt.de

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