[WT-support] DTB file update

marcelo at alternex.com.br marcelo at alternex.com.br
Wed Mar 10 18:33:50 CET 2010

Let me see if I understood it right...
With my ARRL DX log open (DX Side), if I perform a File > Update Databases, will
it update / populate the states in my ARRL-USVE dtb file for future exchange
Marcelo, PY1KN
> Hi Folks: > > We operated the last ARRL DX SSB MM
as ZW5B using the last 4.4 version of the WT. > No problems during the entire
contest. > Now asking the program to generate the cabrillo, shows a message
with a bunch of QSOs > out of chronological order. > I donĀ“t
understand that, because we operated with 3 setup swapping different bands on >
each station. > What can we do?? > Thanks in advance > Oms
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