[WT-support] SOLVED! Not Reading 746 Pro

Neil Shapiro neil at neilshapiro.com
Fri Oct 30 22:16:36 CET 2009

OK, thanks to all for your help. It was suggested on another venue for  
a program with which I was having problems that it might be I was  
using usb to serial adapter cables that utilize the Prolific drivers.  
I found that I was.  I was asked to try adapters that, instead, used  
the FTD1 chipset. I picked up a dual-port device from Byterunner and  
installed it and voila Win-Test and a few other programs I had  
problems with worked 100%!

To recap: Win-Test would not control my Icom 746 or read from it. I  
could type in a frequency and the radio would change but the up- down- 
band arrows did not work, spinning the dial did not move the bandmap  
and frequencies were not read, etc. Ham Radio Deluxe was working fine  
for me and a few other programs but not Win-Test or a couple others.

Apparently the Prolific drivers used by so many usb-to-serial adapter  
cables have some sort of problem that may or may not show up with  
Vista 64 depending on if the program involved uses some communications  
subroutines from Microsoft. Changing out the adapters with the  
Prolific chipset to ones that use the FTD1 chipset made everything work.

Thanks again for all the help here!

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