[WT-support] Hostility on the list?
Win Kriegl DK9IP/KH7CD
dk9ip at dk9ip.de
Wed Mar 4 22:13:57 CET 2009
Of course pointing out shortfalls is OK and has been done many times before on this list.
But the initial post by W2NRA annoys me in the way how "criticism" is performed. The
specific items he is referring to are minor shortcomings in my opinion and thus his
statement "Win-Test does not meet my minimal amateur radio contest software needs" is just
ridiculous. I donĀ“t know if W2NRA is seriously doing contests and which software he used
before but clearly he is not a very experienced Win-test user...
73 Win DK9IP / KH7CD
Tom W8JI wrote:
> This is difficult for non-engineers to understand at time,
> but pointing out shortfalls in any product has an advantage.
> Discussing shortfalls are the best kind of feedback.
> No one ever learns anything and nothing ever improves if we
> all just pretend the world is a perfect place. Cheer leaders
> do not win the games. The tough coaches do.
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