[WT-support] SCP questions

Georgek5kg at aol.com Georgek5kg at aol.com
Wed Jul 9 01:31:58 CEST 2008

Hi Randy,
Two things:
1.) When I downloaded master[1].scp into the WT directory, WT did not  
recognize it.  I had to remove the "[1]" from the file name, and then the  file was 
recognized by WT.  Why is "[1]" added to the name if WT does not  recognize 
it?  I can see this tricking other ops.
2.) I noticed that my old J75KG call is not in the database. It was last  
used in Feb 2007.  Why is it not in the latest SCP file?   Are calls dropped 
after a period of time?  Just curious!
Tnx, Geo...
George  Wagner, K5kg
941-400-1960 cell

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