[WT-support] Sprint Logic feature

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Oct 12 14:57:23 CEST 2007

Hi Marko

marko derganc a écrit :

> I have standard INSERT messages configured as follows:
> Sprint exchange logic for the Ins key is enabled.
> Menu: Tools->Data entry->Enable Run/S&P switching is checked on
> Problems:
> - RUN insert message is sent always

See my other post.

> - $GUESSEXCH does not move cursor from "callsing" field to "Rcvd QSO 
> number" field

Actually, there was an error in the documentation :

$GUESSEXCH (or $GUESSEXCHANGE) acts as a spacebar hit (filling the 
exchange field(s) if possible), *BUT* the cursor remains in the current 
entry field.

If you also want the cursor to move, use the $SPACEBAR variable, which 
really acts as a space bar hit.

It was correctly described in the release file when these variables were 
created :

> - New variables in the CW messages : $SPACEBAR and $TAB which mimic
>   a space bar or a tab key hit while playing. And $GUESSEXCH (or
>   $GUESSEXCHANGE) also mimics a space bar hit (filling exchange field(s)
>   if possible), but the cursor remains in the same edit field. This way,
>   you can easily save a spacebar hit by using the following Ins key msg :
>   $LOGGED $QSOB4 $GUESSEXCH $F2  (the cursor will not move)
>   or
>   $LOGGED $QSOB4 $SPACEBAR $F2  (the cursor will move to the next field)
>   (assuming the F2 msg contains the exchange message to send).


Larry - F6FVY

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