[WT-support] Wintest and FT-900

Dani EA5FV ea5fv at ure.es
Thu Mar 9 22:29:40 CET 2006

Hello to all,  
thank you for the welcome WT-support.  
I will try to explain the problem, Barry 5B4AHO gave some hints, it seems that we have the same problem.  
- When you enter to frequency in the callsign field (say 14123 <enter>),   
 does you rig qsy ace expected?, YES, it changes the frequency well, not the mode.  
- The CAT, blinks.  
- I rotate my dial and the frequency doesn't move, in any VFO (A,B)  
- Alt+F1 or F2, if it always changes at the beginning frequency the band, but the keyboard of the FT-900 is ignored and it doesn't change.  
My FT-1000MP, works correctly Multi in all its functions with the W5XD Keyer. When my FT-900 works it rots to thoroughly prove SO2R.  
Olivier F5MZN, the software WriteLog works very well in SO2R, but the problem is W5XD that doesn't listen. ¡Alone he/she answers, when you pay the registration of new versions!  
Thanks to all for the help.

Dani EA5FV
ea5fv at lynxdxg.com
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