[WT-support] Just a thought

Mikael Larsmark miklar-1 at student.ltu.se
Sun Jun 11 15:01:02 CEST 2006

Hello lads!

I have a suggestion and bug (?) report.

1. Can't there be a key to toggle between 1st and 2nd radio WINDOW? Now you need 
to use the shift key which messes a lot of other things up, atleast if you have 
a SM-keyboard layout. You also need to press the key the whole time while typing 
which isn't really comfortable. Can't for example Shift + Up and Shift + Down be 
used for that, since those keys aren't used? Or Caps lock?

2. When I type SSB or CW in the 2nd radio window it changes to the same mode and 
band as #1 radio.

//Mike (SM3WMV, SJ3A and SM3W)

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