[WT-support] CI-V Interface to Icom is WinTest different than CT?

Olivier F5MZN olecam at f5mzn.org
Thu Aug 31 08:11:18 CEST 2006

Hi -

Tim Duffy K3LR wrote:
> Oliver ..... I have set the CI-V TRANSCEIVE Option to OFF and it doesn't
> seem to make any difference.
> When the Dial is turned suddenly, it takes 1-2 Seconds for the Bandmap
> Frequency to change.
> The only way that the Bandmap Frequency changes at a steady, continuous rate
> is to turn the Dial VERY VERY SLOWLY.
> It does not update at the rate we are used to in CT - there's no doubt about
> that.  We are used to the Bandmap Frequency changing much more rapidly in
> CT.
> I don't care if the implantation is the same as CT, but it's VERY IMPORTANT
> to us that it work as well as CT.
> Right now I would classify this as a SHOW STOPPER.

Anybody else noticed the same result with Icom radios?

Olivier / f5mzn

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