[WT-support] Import .ADI logfile

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Nov 29 14:58:23 CET 2005

Hi Karel

Karel Karmasin a écrit :

> OK, is it in the "To DO" list soon?

I don't think so... Once the ADI format team will *clearly* specify 
which fields to use in contest logs (for every contest), that might be 

In the meantime, there are alternatives like using third-party softwares 
(http://www.ka5wss.com/Software/LogConv/) or a (g)awk script or even 
Excel (or even better OOo http://www.openoffice.org/) to do the 
conversion to Cabrillo, and import it in WT.


Larry - F6FVY

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