[WT-support] WT 2.6.0-beta
Olivier F5MZN
olecam at f5mzn.org
Sun Jan 23 18:41:22 CET 2005
Olivier Le Cam wrote:
> Hello the list!
> WT-2.6.0-beta is out!
This is the (long) release file:
- Added new shortcut aliases:
old new
--------------- ---------------
ALTGR+INSERT ALTGR+F2 (in phone only)
ALTGR+PLUS ALTGR+F3 (in phone only)
INSERT F2 (in phone only)
PLUS F3 + <return> (in phone only)
- Added the new window "secondary radio", which allows when operating
SO2R to log the QSO of the second radio without disturbing
the run.
- The shift key can be used to bind every relevant keyboard entries
into the "secondary radio". This feature can be enabled or disabled
in the "Operating" menu (see below).
The following entries are concerned:
- letters and digits
- SPACE, TAB, and editing keys (left and right arrows, delete,
backspace, ...)
- ALT+F1, ALT+F2 (band change)
- CTRL+F1, CTRL+F2 (mode change)
- New transmission on one radio starts immediatly (CW or DVK),
stopping transmission on the other radio if necessary.
- Automatic CQ repeat mode supported for primary and secondary
radio. The EZMaster internal voice keyer is also supported in
repeat mode.
- Added CW variables $R1R1, $R1R2, $R2R2 which can be entered in the
predefined CW messages to set the headphone at any moment of
the transmission.
$RxRy means: Left ear = Radio(x) and right ear = Radio(y).
- Fixed: serial num sent
- Fixed: INSERT with empty logged call sends the previous logged call on
the same station
- Added CW variables: $INSERT and $PLUS
- New menu "Operating":
- "Listen primary radio". Useful to focus the attention to the run
frequency whereas one was listening the audio split mode.
- The "Technique" menu lets the operator choose between "SO1R / MultiOp",
"SO2R" and "advanced SO2R". The other features in this menu will be
only available according to the selected operating technique.
- "SO1R / MultiOp" is for the operators who don't have a SO2R
- "SO2R" is for the operators who have an external SO2R interface
which does not handle audio control by the software.
- "SO2R advanced" is for the operators who have connected a
next generation SO2R interface which handles full audio
control by the software, like the EZMaster of
- The "Modify scenarios" menu entry is reserved for the "SO2R avanced"
technique, where the operator will define the SO2R behaviours in
the different scenarios, like "plain pile up", "heavy pile up",
"alternate CQ", ...
- The "Shift binds to the secondary radio" menu entry can be
selected if the operator wants to redirect automatically into
the "Second radio" window each entered keys if the shift key
is pressed at the same time.
- The content of the popup menu "Commands | SO2R" moved into the
Operating menu. The menu captions also changed a bit (the term
"non active radio" becomes "secondary radio").
- Any manual change in the audio control setting by the operator will
stop WT to take control of the audio. This "manual" mode can be
canceled with the new CW variable "$RESET", or using the menu
"Operating | Revert to automatic control"
- Any manual change in the audio control settings by the
operator (pressing AltGR+A, AltGr+T, ...) will stop WT to
take the automatic control of the audio. This "manual" mode can
be canceled in the menu "Operating | Revert to automatic control"
menu or by pressing AltGr+R. It can also be canceled with the
new $RESET variable in a morse message.
- Shift+numpad number can now be bound to the secondary radio
- Shift+F12 shortcut (N+1 window) moved to F8.
- Advanced SO2R mode implemented for the internal keyer and
the Multikeyer (partial support only with the MultiKeyer
- Added CW variables: $ALTERNATECQ, $CQ, $TR1, $TR2,
- $ALTERNATECQ (or $ACQ): to be used at the end of a CW
message in the scenarios to swap primary and
secondary radios and send CQ on the secondary radio.
The "Alternate CQ" mode automatically stops if the
operator logged something on the keyboard. This can be
initialized either with AltGR+R or with the variable
- $CQ: same as $ALTERNATECQ but does not swap radios.
Usually used at the end of the "TU" message in a
"alternate CQ" mode to send CQ on the seconday radio.
- $TR1: switch to the primary radio during transmission
(hot switch). WT takes care of stopping transmission
on the secondary radio before switching to the primary
- $TR2: same as $TR1 but for secondary radio.
- $MSG1...$MSG12: additionnal morse messages (see Alt+C)
- Aborting a transmitting message with ESC reverts the
headphone configuration in its original configuration.
- AltGR+1...8 can be use to select the active scenario.
- Band changes and mode changes not allowed anymore when the PTT is
ON. Tks I4UFH.
- The protocol of control of the Icom radios not making it possible
to know which is the active vfo, the bandmap always displays the
operating frequency (whatever the VFO on the radio) in VFO A, and
the VFO B is disabled except in split mode.
- Bugfix: WT was not anymore supporting 2 Icom radios connected at
the same time. Fixed. Tks F6IFY.
- Bugfix: $SPACEBAR and $GUESSZONE was not working through a
MultiKeyer. Fixed. Tks F6IFY.
- Polling mode of the rig control improved.
- Removed the popup dialog when recording a voice message through
EZMaster. Tks I4UFH.
- Parity and Stopbits configuration fixed with EZMaster.
- Creation of new menu "tools", where the following entries have
migrated in:
- Exchange guessing
- Redefine keyboard keys
- Automatic CQ repeat mode
- The bandmaps are now available even if no radio are connected.
- New feature : Objectives files. (Tnx CT1BOH)
In the statistics window (Ctrl-F9), there is a new tab called
"Objectives", which displays the difference between the current
datas and objectives data recorded in an objectives file (.obf
extension). The red bars indicate you're below the objective for
a given hour (bad !), and green bars indicate you're above the
objective (good !).
The objectives files are textual, which means they can be opened, read
and created with a basic text editor. The used syntax is very simple
and flexible :
Each data line is composed of :
Hour DataKeyword=DataValue [DataKeyword=DataValue]
Example :
12 QSO=500 MULT=10
which means : The objective for the hour 12 (= at 1259z) is to have
500 QSO and 10 mults. You can combine any number of data you want
on the same line or on different lines. The previous line could have
been written as 2 lines :
12 QSO=500
12 MULT=10
The allowed DataKeywords are :
- QSO (or QSOS)
- QTC (or QTCS) [WAE contest only]
- KM (or DIST, DISTANCE) [VHF+ contests only]
- AVGKM (or KMAVG) [VHF+ contests only]
You don't need to set objectives data for each hour. WT will compute
the missing hours, if any. There must be at least the final hour data.
Of course, setting more data hours increases accurancy.
We assume to get data from hour 0 (objective for 0059z) to the hour
47 (objective for 2359z the second day). If the contest doesn't last
48 hours, you can restrict the start and end hours with the following
END 42
In this example, the contest starts at 0600z (day 1) and the end is
at 1800z (day 2, thus 24 + 18 = 42).
You can also specify a graphics title with the syntax :
TITLE CQWW contest 2004
which will display "CQWW contest 2004" on the graphics.
Even if you can manually create and edit the objectives files, we
also provided an easy way to create objectives files from past WT
contest files. In the Statistics window, a new item in the contextual
"Export as objectives file" creates a file from current data. You just
have to name it, and choose the data you want to be your objectives,
and optional informations (start and end hours, graphics title). This
item is also available in the Tools menu.
- The color of each child window title bar can be modified to ease its
recognition in a cluttered layout. It can also be useful to use the
same color to group them : General, Packet, Radio1, Radio2 etc...
- The multipliers window (Alt-M) now has bookmarks in its contextual
menu (if headers are displayed for the contest). You can also use
Shift + Mouse wheel to browse the bookmarks. Tnx CT1BOH.
- The DX announcements window (Alt-A) can now be filtered by bands. The
displayed bands setting is recorded in the data log file.
- The default broadcast IP calculation in the Interfaces dialog is more
- In CW Keyboard mode (Alt-K), a Backspace key hit now sends an " E E "
sign to indicate an error for the last sent character.
- Visibility of the toolbar is displayed and can be modified with the
Tools / Toolbar menu item.
- Statistics window (Ctrl-F9) now can be copied as text. All data
displayed in the window after this action will be in the clipboard in
text and SYLK formats. It means you can paste these datas in a text
document, but also - more useful - directly in a spreadsheet (Excel,
OpenOffice etc). Click in the top-left cell you want the datas to be
pasted and paste them.
- New item in the contextual menus of Bandmaps and DX spots window
(Alt-A) to ease spot deletion.
Olivier / f5mzn
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