[WT-support] SSB voice keyer question?

f8crh f8crh at wanadoo.fr
Thu Sep 23 21:40:26 CEST 2004


>Do you mean that you always have the mic connected to the rig through the
sound card? 

Yes I mean! the mic pass through the sound card. There is a "monitoring"
option  in the sound card setup panel. 

>Maybe not a good idea, as if you must reboot your computer for any reason,
you will not be able to transmit untill reboot >is finished.

Yes, I know the reboot.!!! During a reboot, I can easily put the MIC on the
front panel connector (FT1000MP). The remainder of time I use the "phone
patch" like audio input on the tx with the sound card.

Thanks for all infos,

Franck, F8CRH

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