[WT-support] Win-Test, new version

Olivier F5MZN olecam at f5mzn.org
Thu Sep 9 18:47:36 CEST 2004

Hi -

Win-test version 2.2.0 is out, after some new features and bug fixes. 
Following is the release information for this new version. Enjoy it!

You can download the new version here : 

73 de f5mzn


- Added offtime information in cabrillo for WAE and WPX contests in 
single-op category

- There is now a way to modify the callsign of a QTC even if it has
   been validated (notice that the new callsign must not be logged as
   a QTC before).

- ARRL August UHF Contest added

- ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes Contest added

- ARRL June VHF QSO Party Contest added

- ARRL September VHF QSO Party Contest added

- IARU 50 MHz contest added

- REF DDFM 50 MHz contest added. Notice that no field is designed for
   the  received departments. Rules stipulates that the French stations
   give <callsign>/<dpt> and thus we must log the French stations that
   way. The software will automatically extract the departement number
   from the callsign field.

- Bugfix : In some circonstances, valid registration key checking

- Private packet talks via DX cluster are displayed and recorded in the
   gab window (Alt-I). You can directly answer with a double-click on
   the received talk. It doesn't work in conference mode.

- Private gabs across the network can be sent by choosing the station
   name in the Gab dialog (Alt-G). You can also sent a private gab with
   a double-click on the station name in the Status window (Alt-J) or in
   the gab window. You can easily answer (in private) with a double-click
   in the gab window, on the private line received.

- In either case (private gab or private packet talk), you can also
   quickly answer to the last received with an Alt-P (P stands for
   Private) shortcut

- New version of the ratesheet window (Ctrl-F9), which can now display
   many different datas : Have a look to the "Data" item of its
   contextual menu.

- SAC (Scandinavian Activity Contest) added.

- TOEC WW Grid Contest added.

- Bugfix : Some very high frequencies (241 GHz+ !) were not correctly
   saved in the ini file.

- Bugfix : Modifying the first QSO of the log was adding a Qso in
   the ratesheet every time.

- Bugfix : Locators validity checks were not correct.

- New solar activity window : Data are extracted from Packet data flow,
   and saved in .wwv and .wcy file. You can switch between WWV and WCY
   with the contextual menu, or with "WWV" and "WCY" text commands. Each
   chart can be displayed or hidden with a click on the triangle atop
   the chart (handle). An hatched graph means that the index is missing
   for this hour, and the most recent known was used instead.

- HamCAP interface : HamCAP solar indexes can be set from data
   gathered for the solar activity window. Use the Options / HamCAP menu.
   The priority item sets which data will be send to HamCAP (WWV or WCY)
   when both indexes are known for the same last hour.

- Bugfixes : Cancelling a file opening and merging files were creating
   two tiny memory leaks ;-)

- RDA Contest added.

- KCJ Contest added.

- CTY_OBL.DAT updated. Tnx F5IN.

- CheckCountry window (F10) width, rate window (Alt-R) height and
   width and bandmaps windows height should be now adapted for all
   Windows fonts sizes. Tnx F5IN and F6IFY.

- DX spots given by a SH/DX cluster command are now checked against
   bandmap timeout and displayed accordingly.

- DX spots senders callsigns whose lengths were more than 6 characters
   were trunctated.

- Bugfix : In RateSheet window (Ctrl-F9), mode display option was
   not correctly saved.

- Bugfix : In floating windows mode, if you chose an item in a child
   window contextual menu, WT main window might loose focus.

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