[WT-support] Question on Win-Test and W5XD keyer

f8crh f8crh at wanadoo.fr
Wed Dec 1 01:28:30 CET 2004

>I have a question about W5XD keyer which I own.   I can't seem to be 
>able to switch between L and R radios.   The manual says a '*' (hash 
>mark) should be used but at least here nothing happens when I try to use 
>it.   Same goes if if I try to select it from Commands --> Active Radio 
>--> Swap Radios *  menu option.
>The only way I am able to switch between L/R radios is by clicking on the
Frequency readout on the Radio1 / Radio2 >>bandmaps.


The multiKeyer works well here with WinXP on COM1 4800bits, 8 data bits, No
parity, 2 stop bits, No flow control.

Franck, F8CRH

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