[WT-support] WT 1.0.4

Olivier Le Cam, f5mzn support@win-test.com
Sat, 08 Feb 2003 08:41:46 +0000


WT-1.0.4 est dans la boîte :
- Fixed some path problems :
	WT.INI, *.DTB, maps, ... : now same dir as application
	*.WTB, *.LOG, *.NOT : in the WTB directory
   Tks F6HJO and others.

- Added an extra configuration key in WT.INI to allow setting the DTR
   to be always ON. That key must be entered manually in the [Interfaces]

   COMxDTR=always_on    where x is the port COM number

- Generic Icom was crashing Win-Test. Fixed. Tks F6IFY.

- The GAB window will be closed after 15 seconds when it has been
   opened to show a new gab in. Tks F8CRH.

- Installer (Inno Setup) updated.

- Added an option in the EDIT menu de clear out all QSO from the LOG.

73 et a+
Olivier / f5mzn